2009年11月29日 星期日


最近樂高公司詢問樂高大使的意見,想瞭解客戶們停止玩樂高的原因:A Life Long Experience

我個人認為女孩在5歲左右離開的原因很簡單,因為5歲是 Duplo 與 System 的分界點。樂高在 System 部分根本幾乎是為了小男生而設計的,千篇一律是汽車、怪手、飛機、戰爭、動作等。光看人偶比例是男:女為 10:1 左右就知道了。在 Duplo 系列中,則是十分貼近生活,還有女孩最愛的辦家家酒專用「娃娃屋」。

女孩子喜歡 decoration,娃娃屋內有豐富的家具,十分適合小女生玩辦家家酒。但一旦進入 System 系列,這些全都不見了。而我每次看到 System 系列的警匪追逐、消防、城堡戰爭等,還是倒足胃口,更別提小女孩了。


Duplo 的娃娃屋非常可愛,除了有漂亮的房屋正面之外,還有客廳、浴室、臥室、嬰兒房、廚房等,一應俱全。家具更是 Duplo 的重點,在 System 中從未出現的馬桶、浴缸、吸塵器,更是令人大吃一驚:原來LEGO也會出這種東西! :p


4966 - "Doll's House" 房子可以有數種變化:



5939 - "Family House"


除了這些現成的設備,鞦韆、公園設施等。在Duplo 最常出現的配件是小花,但在 System 裡最常出現的應該是槍吧!(把 Star Wars 也算進來,肯定是了)

我不是建議樂高公司在 System 中也照樣出一堆家具,那樣反而失去 System 中組合的樂趣。但是我相信很多物品是可以透過組合而成的。最簡單的,例如 Duplo 9231 "Playhouse" 中的長沙發:

這種東西絕對可以利用現有的 System 組合起來,放在目前 Creator 系列的房子。就像很多 AFOL 已經發表的創作,房子的內裝絕對不是做不到,但樂高公司到現在為止,都還只將焦點放在「建築」本身,而非「佈置」。

我認識的大部分女孩子,對於去「佈置」房子的興趣,遠遠大於去研究房子的建築構造。儘管這幾年樂高已經漸漸開始改進他們的作風,出了幾套相當漂亮的房屋,但除了 4996 "Beach House" 之外,幾乎都沒有內部的裝潢。

也許有人認為,加了內部裝潢就會讓整個成本增加,反而造成負擔不起,但我個人覺得這反而不是問題,而可以學習 City 系列,以小盒方式補充。City 經常出一盒約100出頭的小人偶,當作城市系列的補充包。因此 House 也可以自成一個系列,例如將電冰箱獨立出來,成為另外購買的小盒。這樣反而大家都要買了,畢竟誰買房子不用裝潢的? 廚房家電、客廳沙發、電視,臥室的床鋪、衣櫃,還有浴室的淋浴頭、浴缸、馬桶(建議可以參考我的馬桶,看在我已經是樂高大使的份上,我權利金算便宜點)

以上只是針對 House 系列的建議。若要吸引女孩子回頭來玩積木,很重要的一點,就是主題必須貼近生活,或者是走可愛風。

生活的意思,是指你平常走在路上會看見的東西。樂高目前的消防演習,一年中不曉得發生幾次;一生中不曉得會遇見幾回警匪槍戰,但樂高竟然把這些當作 City 系列的重點!不是讓人深度懷疑樂高根本不想做女孩市場,不然就是這些設計師從小都住在全世界治安最差的都市。

真正的 City 系列,應該如同目前的城鎮生活,走在都市中,大部分看到的是商業活動,包括商店、小販、廣告、辦公大樓。再怎麼樣,兒童上博物館的機率,也比看見壞人在逃跑的機率高吧!那怎麼樂高都沒出過博物館?

我還記得以前有一個 Paradisa 系列,那可是以「超娘的粉紅色」作為主要色彩,內容不是人偶快樂地在商店裡吃冰淇淋,就是在海邊聽收音機、嬉鬧。原本大家都以為這是女孩子的最愛,沒想到最多的收藏家卻都是男人 ---- 我說的可不是小孩子,而是他們都長大成為正港的男子漢了!

Bricklink 的 Paradisa

可愛風十分難定義,但我想日本的電視冠軍「秋長」小姐則是箇中高手。如果樂高公司想瞭解什麼叫做「可愛」,第一件事情就是該趕快去錄用秋長,成為LEGO專屬的 set 設計師。

秋長在 Brickshelf 的網頁:http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?m=Sachiko



其實要樂高公司針對女孩子特別去設計 System 系列的新產品,可能一時之間太困難。畢竟二十年來他們都是遵照著既有的模式去賺錢。但是也許一開始先朝「生活化」,就如同Paradisa 系列,至少增加女孩可以玩的機率,那麼之後想要繼續留住女性客戶,也不會太困難了。


A Life Long Experience?


五歲是一個分界點,小女生在五歲後就不太玩樂高積木了,而小男孩則會持續,不過也陸續在9到12歲之間漸漸不再玩,只剩下很少數的青少年會玩樂高積木。20 多歲後,才又有一些成年人回頭過來玩積木。




為什麼有些男孩(和一些女孩) 在青少年時期持續玩樂高?
接下來的75年,我想把範圍所小至 3~5歲的樂高玩家(男孩和女孩)而且持續玩樂高的




Dear all - I'm sitting here thinking :). Looking around the LEGO Community I see people of all ages enjoying the "LEGO Experience". At the yonger end I see boys and girls and their parents (up to the age of 5), then most girls leave. During ages 5-9 I see mostly boys and their parents still. Then around age 9-12 also the boys start leaving but a few stay with the experience into their teens. Some come back to the LEGO Experience in their 20es with new passion. Is this just the way it is supposed to be? Will more girls older than 5 ever be more likely to enjoy the LEGO experience at a later age? Why do some girls stay while most are leaving? Why do some boys (and a few girls) stay with the LEGO Experience into their teens? Why do most boys leave around the age of 9-12? Why do some come back to the LEGO experience in their early 20es? Hmmm...

Many questions here... I'd like to narrow in on the LEGO user (boy and girl) who get into LEGO play around the age of 3-5 and stay with the LEGO Experience for the next 75 years! What is special? Is it something about the person, the way his/her brain works? Is it something about their parents, their family? Is it something about their friends? Can it be explained by some kind of defining moment this person has experienced?

What do you think?


關於之前提到無印良品的新產品「Papter and Block Sets」,以下是由樂高公司所發佈的新聞。礙於時間,因此暫時不將文章翻譯成中文。

LEGO® MUJI – bricks and paper

The LEGO Group has teamed up with design-led Japanese retail company MUJI to offer a new product concept combining bricks and paper crafts.

BILLUND, DENMARK NOVEMBER 2009 - LEGO® MUJI explores new ways of being creative by combining the well-known LEGO brick with paper through the use of the new LEGO System paper puncher.

The product line brings together the worlds of The LEGO Group and MUJI in a unique and enriching new experience. There are 4 sets in the LEGO MUJI series, each with more than 100 LEGO bricks and an assortment of paper

The sets all have different themes, and include LEGO bricks, paper and inspirational materials. The themes are Christmas, fairytales, transparent bricks and paper as well as a more open-ended concept. In addition, the specialized LEGO System puncher and five different paper packages will also be made available.

The sets, which were pre-viewed at the Design Tide Exhibition in Tokyo in October, will be released for sale in Japan on 26 November. The launch will constitute a live test in the market with limited quantities available for sale across 40 MUJI stores and the MUJI online store.

With this exciting new LEGO category, the LEGO Group is exploring new ways of playing and engaging with the LEGO brick, as well as new ways of doing business outside the traditional toy industry and retail. This is done by stimulating entrepreneurial culture through collaborative business projects with internal and external entrepreneurs interested in basing their business on an open LEGO platform.

Takahashi Okutani, Manager. Overseas Merchandising Department, MUJI Japan

“LEGO bricks are not just a toy, but a system that inspires children's creativity. MUJI also seeks to inspire creativity with products that appeal to a simple and reflective lifestyle. As both brands are based on strong values, we have worked together to create a new concept that can be of great value to children.”

Paal Smith-Meyer, Senior Director, New Business Group, The LEGO Group

“The LEGO system offers endless creative possibilities to build structurally, and so does paper with its many colors, patterns and textures suitable for folding, drawing and cutting. Combining these two creative tools with a LEGO system paper puncher, we will open up a new creative dimension for kids and their parents to explore and express themselves through.”

LEGO MUJI background

May 2008 - MUJI approaches The LEGO Group, and a meeting is set up in Tokyo. During this meeting, MUJI presented their interpretation of the LEGO brick, and the potential of the collaboration was explored.

“I was excited that they really understood the LEGO values and the core idea of the brick as a creative tool, which they then complemented with some fresh, new ideas,” says Senior Business Developer Marc Brøndum.

October 2008 - After a second meeting, it is agreed that the proposals from MUJI where interesting enough that they should be explored further.

February 2009 - MUJI representatives together with their design team visit LEGO HQ to attend a workshop with the LEGO New Business Group and designers. During this workshop, the idea of bricks and paper is framed and conceptualized, and an ambition to bring the concept to market is signed off on by both parties.

March 2009 – the LEGO MUJI project is approved by the LEGO Group, and brought into the MIP development process.

June 2009 – Meeting and approval session in Tokyo.

July 2009 – Visuals tested and approved.

August-October 2009 – Finalizing legal matters and testing of products.

October 2009 – LEGO MUJI shown to the public for the first time at the Design Tide Exhibition at the Roppopongi store in Tokyo

November 26 – Test launch - only nine months after project approval - to consumers across 40 MUJI stores in Japan. Workshops with consumers will be conducted in the MUJI stores to investigate the potential of the concept even further.

About MUJI

MUJI is a Japanese retail company distinguished by its no-frills design minimalism, streamlining of processes, simplification of packaging and no-logo policy. Initially a subsidiary of the Seiyu Ltd, supermarket chain, MUJI became a separate brand in 1989.

Starting as Mujirushi (no brand) Ryohin (quality goods), the MUJI product range was developed to offer high quality, low cost, generic products. There are currently more than 7,000 products in the MUJI range, which is sold through its 181 brand retail stores and additional 147 outlets across the world.

About The LEGO Group

The LEGO Group is a privately held, family-owned company, based in Billund, Denmark. It was founded in 1932, and today the group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of play materials for children. The LEGO Group is committed to children's creative development and learning, and its products can be purchased in more than 130 countries.

LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of The LEGO Group. ©2009 The LEGO Group

2009年11月26日 星期四

【LEGO公司徵人】Looking for LDD testers


Dear all - the LEGO 3D software team in Billund are looking for 4-6 AFOLs who are willing to work with them as testers on the LDD software. This means essentially people who already use LDD a LOT and are willing to report bugs and suggest improvements directly to the 3D software team. We will set up a dedicated LEGO Project Room for this purpose. The people does not need to be LEGO Ambassadors, so please feel free to suggest people you know outside the LA program.


OK,我還是簡短講一下好了。這是丹麥總部在尋找會使用 LDD - LEGO Degital Designer 軟體的使用者,來協助他們開發這套軟體。話說前一陣子樂高公司發表了3.0的LDD,陸續有人回報使用上與軟體本身的問題。因此樂高公司希望能找一些在使用LDD上很有經驗的成年樂高迷,來幫他們找 bug,或者是提供建議。


還記得今年稍早的樂高公司問卷調查嗎?調查結果出爐囉!以下是英文原文與中文翻譯(Cvspis Celidvs所譯)


Here are some of the key findings from the July 2009 survey:

The survey was completed by 4.0 AFOLs and TFOLs. 32% of respondents were TFOLs, 68% was AFOLs. When asked about likeliness to recommend LEGO products and services to friends and family, AFOLs are (consistent with the previous surveys) more likely to recommend than TFOLs. When asked what the LEGO Group can do to improve willingness to recommend, most frequent answers center around request for products and benefit/recognition programs targeted specifically to AFOLs and TFOLs.

這次調查有4800 位成年樂高迷(AFOLs)與少年樂高迷(TFOKs)參與,其中TFOLs佔32%,AFOLs佔68%。當問到朋友與家庭對樂高產品與服務的接受度時,AFOLs之接受度高於TFOLs。當問及樂高公司的何種作法可以提高接受度時,最常得到的答案集中在對產品與福利/認知活動的請求。

In this survey we asked some questions specifically about BrickJournal. The reason for this is that the LEGO Group has been providing start up support for taking BrickJournal to a printed Magazine and together with Joe Meno and his publisher Tomorrows, we are interested in getting feedback from the AFOL/TFOL community. Here’s what we learned:

在調查中我們詢問一些關於BrickJournal的問題,理由在於樂高公司已經開始支援總編輯Joe Meno與他的出版商Tomorrows,使BrickJournal成為實體出版品,我們對於AFOL與TFOL社群的意見回饋感到興趣。以下是我們得到的訊息:

  • High awareness among adults, but there is work to be done with teens! BrickJournal has 70% awareness among AFOL’s, but less than half of TFOL’s have heard of it.


  • Of those aware of BrickJournal, however, only 20% have acquired a printed copy.


  • On a scale of 1-4, with 4 the high score, readers gave BrickJournal an average score 3.13. Only 14% of fans gave it a score less than 3.


  • BrickJournal has some ways to go before being truly international. For those who did not purchase a copy of BrickJournal, almost half cited how difficult it is to get as the top reason for not buying a copy yet.

    BrickJournal在真正國際化之前還有待改進之處,對於還沒有購買BrickJournal (這裡應該指實體版本)的人來說,幾乎有一半人提到,難以購買是她們還沒有取得該雜誌的最主要原因。

    OK, 還不知道 BrickJournal 的人,趕快來找我吧!我有幫忙訂購,一年4期含運費台幣 2000元。(若個人自行訂購,約需三千多元。)

  • LDD - LEGO Digital Designer

    樂高公司有出品自己的 3D積木堆砌軟體,叫做「LDD」。


    這套軟體免費,同時支援 Windows 與 Mac 版本。最有趣的地方,在於你做好自己的3D樂高模型後,還可以直接下單。

    這裡是幾張我在 Tigar 的樂高店拍的照片。當時因為LDD 3.0 剛推出,因此店裡頭展示了幾盒:

    側面圖,可以看到「Design By Me」意思就是此乃俺所設計。盒子的圖案十分漂亮,據說裡頭的說明書也很精美,可以媲美市面的說明書。


    不過漂亮是有代價的,因為這些直接由樂高公司幫你個人所客製化的 set,其實是由人工去挑選你所需要的零件,因此零件非常非常的昂貴(所有能買的樂高迷都在抱怨),比起去 Bricklink 高出太多,所以其實在樂高迷之間的接受度還不太高。


    但又是很遺憾的,在台灣的樂高迷還是無法享受這個好處。因為 Design By Me 這個功能,並沒有辦法將你的set寄到台灣。

    2009年11月21日 星期六

    LEGO 與無印良品合作 - Papter and Block Sets

    LEGO 與無印良品合作 - Papter and Block Sets

    從本月(11)的27 號開始,在日本的「無印良品」(Muji),就可以買到首次樂高公司與他們合作的商品:Paper and Block Sets

    「Paper and Block Sets」,這是什麼挖歌呀?!紙跟積木也可以一起出一個 set?



    裡頭還有一堆很小的 1x1 plate .... 閃閃亮亮,一時之間我還以為是 Clikits 復刻...(小小高興了一下~)

    Clikits 相關 set:




    那麼紙要怎麼打洞才能剛好是樂高積木的洞距呢?顯然這是跟打孔機有關係!看來,我也該想辦法弄個一盒回來看看~這樣將來也可以自己做紙版的 Clikits :D

    只是這 set 目前只知道會在日本販售,至於其他地方,可能還是得問問無印良品囉。












    總而言之,我們爭了一會兒,又牽扯到國籍問題。我認為自己是中國人(而且還是「正港」的 :p ),老先生十分不同意,他認為雖然我的祖先是中國人,但因為我們定居在台灣這麼多代了,所以我們是台灣人,跟中國人沒關係。他還跟我說「you should identify who you are」,又說他每次在美國跟那些台灣留學生講這種國家認同的問題時,大家都說不想談、浪費時間(本來就是啊~不管誰對誰錯,對現狀有任何改變嗎?所以何必為這個爭論不休)。





    2009年11月13日 星期五





