2011年7月12日 星期二

8110 LEGO Technic Unimog U400 postponed

頗受Technic 迷期待的 8110 要暫時延後發行,因為樂高公司品管部門發現一些缺憾,正在努力加工處理。以下是來自樂高公司的訊息: 

Pre-launch of 8110 LEGO Technic Unimog U400 postponed

The pre-launch of the 8110 LEGO® Technic Unimog U400 in LEGO Brand Stores and LEGO shop has been postponed.
The reason for the decision to postpone the pre-launch, is that the LEGO Group’s quality department has found that a pneumatic cylinder included in the set does not live up to the LEGO Group quality demands, as there is a risk of the cylinder leaking air. Since the LEGO Group wants to ensure a high quality in all products as well as a great play experience, it has been decided to replace the pneumatic cylinder in all new sets.
The launch in retail-stores will remain August 1st.
There is only a very minimal probability that consumers, who have already purchased an 8110 LEGO Technic Unimog U400, will experience difficulties with the pneumatic system.


