2009年12月21日 星期一


最近陸續有人報告樂高公司關於最近人偶印刷品質的問題。而以下是樂高公司針對這些問題的回覆。中文部分由 Camus 協助翻譯。

Posted on: November 05 2009 @ 12:59 PM

We received some inquiries from fans bringing to our attention an issue of color differences between our LEGO mini figures. We have found the root causes of this variance and are in the corrective action phase. The market might see some slight difference in figures for a bit while this is being resolved. Producing the highest quality bricks is an integral part of the LEGO brand and we would not jeopardize the high quality that consumers have come to know in any way.


I would like to assure you, that no changes have been made to the studs that appear on the LEGO brick. As you might imagine, doing so would be a large undertaking, since all LEGO brick molds have been designed with this same "tube and stud" concept for years and making a change like this would affect the interlocking capabilities of all elements. Additionally we are careful that our high quality requirements for plastic materials are maintained as always.

我願向你保證,樂高積木上的拴豆(stud)沒有任何的改變。正如各位所能想像,那樣做將是一個大規模的舉動,因為多年來,所有的樂高積木模具都是採用相同的"槽管和拴豆(tube and stud)"的設計概念,任何的改變都會影響所有樂高零件的鏈結(interlocking)功能。此外,我們將一如既往地細心維持塑料材料的高品質要求。

It is gratifying knowing that we have many LEGO collectors who are happily involved in our products. Thank you for making us aware of this matter and allowing us time to react based on your input.
LEGO Global Quality


LEGO Global Quality


